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NAHA 美國國家整體芳療協會


NAHA(National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy)美國國家整體芳療協會1990年代成立於美國,為北美洲最大型芳療法的非營利教育性機構,繼承英國倫敦芳療學校LSA(由芳香療法大師Patricia Davis 於英國成立)的教育與精神。制定了一系列完整而嚴格的訓練標準,致力提升芳香療法的教育及專業標準,在芳香療法教育方面具有完整詳盡的課程規劃,並且致力向一般大眾推廣真正芳療法的概念。



美國NAHA初階芳療保健師認證/50小時(NAHA Level 1 Membership’s Certificate)課程規劃

  • 芳香療法歷史/芳香療法化學概論

  • 單方精油個論/植物油概論

  • 芳香實務保健與居家芳香照護

• Introduction to the history of Aromatherapy • Profiles of minimum 20 essential oils • Minimum of 5 case studies • Quality of essential oils • Production and methods of extraction (distillation, cold pressing/expression, enfleurage, absolute, CO2 extraction) • Basic physiological effects of essential oils: methods of absorption, overview of olfaction and the limbic system, the skin, and the immune system • How essential oils interact on physical and emotional levels • Basic essential oil chemistry with contraindications of certain essential oils • How to create/design an effective blend • Diluents such as vegetable oils and other carrier bases • Methods of application (inhalation, diffusion, topical, optional: internal) • Safety issues (including dermal, respiratory, internal) • Legal, ethical, privacy issues (include a copy of the NAHA Code of Ethics)


  1. 可以擁有最專業的芳療基礎與知識

  2. 運用在居家實務,對成人及幼兒的日常照護

  3. 與國際接軌,強化自身的專業度,隨時可以前往國際飯店就業

此費用僅包含 NAHA芳療師證書資格而非美國 NAHA會員

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